Payments Hub FAQs
Q. How Do I Reset My Password?
If you have forgotten your password during the login process, please use the Forgot your password? l Link to reset your password.
If you have logged in and would like to change your password, you can do this through the Account menu by pressing the user avatar icon and selecting Manage Account.
By selecting Security and Password the portal will prompt you to enter both your old password, and what you would like to create as your new password.
If you need to preview your password, use the eye icon on the right side of each text entry box highlighted below.
Q. How do I update my organisation information?
If you need to change any organisation details, including your name, address, or bank details, please contact our client services team on or call on 0330 135 9510. Client services are available 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
Q. How should I structure my password?
Passwords must be a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 64 characters in length and include 1 lowercase letter (a – z), 1 uppercase letter(A – Z), 1 number (0 – 9) and at least one special character including @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [] {} |\ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ “ () ; ! < > . The maximum length for a password is 64 characters.
- Weak passwords can be cracked in seconds. The longer and more unusual your password is,the harder it is for a cyber criminal to crack. Passwords should be ‘long enough and strong enough’. A good way to make your password difficult to crack is by combining three random words to create a single password, you can also add additional characters and numbers in (for example AppleK1ttyPurp!e).
- Do not use the same password for multiple accounts or services.
- Avoid common passwords (like password!)
- Avoid passwords containing significant dates or information that could be found on your social media profile, like a pet’s names, sports teams or family names.
- If you’re thinking of changing certain characters in your password (so swapping the letter ‘o' with a zero, for example), you should know that cyber criminals know these tricks as well. So your password won’t be significantly stronger, but it will be harder for you to remember.
- Password Managers can help you create and securely save passwords.
Q. I have been locked out of my account.
You will be locked out of your account if you input your username or password incorrectly on 6 occasions within a 10-minute period. Your account will automatically unlock after a few minutes.
Q. Are there any user guides or resources to support using the Payments Hub?
Yes! Our full training library including the user guide for Payments Hub can be found at
The Payments Hub Training | allpay
You can also find user guides for some of the products in Payments Hub at:
Direct Debit Training | allpay
Customer Account Manager | allpay
Q. How do we enable Callpay and Direct Debits for new users?
Please follow the steps outline in the user management section of the Payments Hub User Guide to add Callpay and Direct Debit permissions to a Payments Hub user.
In the future the ability to add users to products will be added to the user management portion of Payments Hub.
Q. Why is my One Time Passcode (OTP) not coming through?
There may be a need to whitelist specific email addresses and IP addresses to ensure a seamless and efficient service. As such we suggest that you whitelist the following addresses:
Q. Will I be automatically signed out of Payments Hub if I leave my device?
If the system detects a period of 8 hours of no activity, you will be automatically signed out of the Payment Hub.
Certain products on the Payments Hub are required to have different automatic logout periods for security purposes. If you’re logged into Payments Hub and the system detects a period of inactivity, you may be required to re-enter your login details, please see the length of time required for the different products below:
- Payments Hub – 8 Hours
- Direct Debits – 4 Hours
- Callpay – 15 minutes
- allpay Prepaid - 15 minutes
Q. I want to join Payments Hub; how do I signup?
If you’re interested incoming aboard with the allpay Payments Hub, please reach out to our sales team